More often than not people tend to focus all their time and attention on the front of the card. Working to fit every last detail they can while also trying to keep it nice and professional – never even realizing the valuable space available on the back side of their cards!
In other words, the backs of ID cards are usually under-utilized, but they don’t have to be! With a dual-sided card, you can add important details to the back of the card that might otherwise not fit or detract from the layout of the front of your card.
Often people think that the back of the card is just for a mag-stripe or serial number, but it can be oh-so-much more! You can put anything there, seriously, the sky is the limit!
So... What are some things you could put on the back of your cards?
Ideas and Recommendations
ID cards often incorporate QR codes, barcodes and fingerprints that allow them to access data and even unlock doors. You could move all these to the back of the card so the back is doing the majority of the actual work. That allows the designer to use the front of your ID to create beautifully branded badge without all the bar codes and fingerprints while still providing you all the ID card features you could ever need.
Bonus Point: When someone's identity is in question, including a copy of the authorized employee's signature or fingerprint on the back of the ID is an instant way to detect a fraudulent ID card or unauthorized visitors.
School ID Cards: Some states have mandated putting suicide prevention resources on the backs of ID cards... with or without the mandate, these resources can be beneficial for ID card users - so don't hesitate to add them on the back.
Beyond that there are other creative uses, such as a business address, contact information, mission statement, core values and even a list of emergency guidelines and procedures.
Let’s sum this up.
The back of your ID card is precious real-estate and can be utilized for any assortment of features including bar codes, signatures and fingerprints. However, it can also be used in unique ways as well like including your core values, mission statement or return instructions if the card is lost and found.
Want to learn more about all the available ID Card features?
Or read about how to use them?